Sunday 5 June 2011

The chicks fourth day

So, day four.
Not much to report. One of them has a funny sticky looking wet stain on their neck, but I think it's just cause someone pooped on her =(

So they've actually lost weight today. None of them are up to 50grams yet, but we do have two 49gram ones. I'm assuming they're not gaining weight averagely because the little ones are picked on so they don't eat much and then use all their energy up and the bigger ones just eat and use most of their energy up picking on the little ones. Although we haven't had much of a problem with the pecking order or anything just yet.


Date:05/06/11. Weight (average): 43.16grams. Beak-to-tail: 10cm. Eye off ground: 8.5cm. Beak off ground: 7.5cm. Body width: 3cm. Length of legs: 4.3cm.

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