Friday 3 June 2011

The chicks second day

So, day two in chicky world. They're going well, They put on (on average) 0.75grams! Very exciting!
The biggest is now 51grams, with the smallest being 38grams.


Today I was holding one of them and I went to our cat, Ruby, and I showed her the chick and she kind of sniffed at it and then turned her head. I put the chick on her back to see how she would react (don't panic, my hand was ready to grab it if Ruby went for it) and she just lay there and purred! So proud of her.

I have a favourite, her name is Ducky, because she has a very yellow head and looks somewhat like a duck. She was the smallest to begin with, but now she's somewhere in the middle. She has a very loud chirp, and I'm hoping the yellowness will stay, but I assume it goes with age.

Date:03/06/11. Weight (average): 43grams. Beak-to-tail: 10cm. Eye off ground: 8.5cm. Beak off ground: 7.5cm. Body width: 3cm. Length of legs: 4cm.

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