Saturday 4 June 2011

The chicks third day

The third day has been great for the little chickys, although friends came over and they may have been handled a bit too much for their liking.

Today they put on 0.42grams, so about half a gram. Which when you think about it, it isn't very much at all. Especially compared to the amount of food they go through. Though I think most of that ends up on the ground.

I would just like to point out that I measure the chicks with a ruler and just take a guess at the actual height and stuff, it's not 100% accurate.

They are weighed normally around 9pm, if I weigh them earlier I find for some reason their weight has gone down since the last weigh in.

"You talking to me?"

Date:04/06/11. Weight (average): 43.42grams. Beak-to-tail: 10cm. Eye off ground: 8.5cm. Beak off ground: 7.5cm. Body width: 3cm. Length of legs: 4.3cm.

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