Tuesday 7 June 2011

The chicks sixth day

So, day 6. I was out for most of it... But when I got back I was just chilling with my little darlings and I noticed one of them looked rather big compared to the rest. I picked her up and she felt big compared to the rest. I then weighed her, and shes 62grams! Huge! Yesterday the biggest was 53grams, so if that is her, then she's put on 9grams. She must be eating a lot. The smallest is now over 40grams (she's 46grams).

It's been quite cold here at night (my fingers are freezing as I write this!) but because of fire precautions we don't leave the heat lamp on at night. Normally in the daytime they have the heat lamp on and a light summer blanket over the box. About an hour before bed we put a thick, heavy blanket over the top of the light summer blanket to keep the warmth in, and then when we turn the light off we just leave a few small air holes and hopefully they are snug. So far they're all still alive, so it seems to be working okay.

I made them a little pen in the dining room out of books and boxes for the walls and newspaper on the floor and it was so much fun to see them run around all excitedly! They flap their little wings and kind of get a bit off the ground, but their feet stay touching it. I scattered some chick starter on the ground, put their heat lamp and water in there and made them some mash and they happily stayed in there for about half an hour (they were watched the whole time) until they started just sitting under the heat lamp so we put them back in the box.

Freedom! (Almost)

Date:07/06/11. Weight (average): 52.33grams. Beak-to-tail: 11cm. Eye off ground: 8.5cm. Beak off ground: 8cm. Body width: 3.5cm Length of legs: 5cm.

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